Thursday 27 October 2016

Nato squares up to Putin

As Russia beefs up its military might on Europe's border, West responds with biggest show of force since the Cold War

  • Armoured force including 800 UK troops will be sent to Estonia for six month deployment next May
  • They will then be relieved by soldiers from another Nato nation to keep up a continuous presence
  • It comes as Vladimir Putin has launched nuclear defence drills in Russia and is building more ships
  • Russia has also unveiled pictures of its largest ever nuclear missile that could 'destroy France-sized area
Russia's military escalation on Europe's border has triggered the West's biggest show of force in the region since the Cold War as Nato continues to square up to Vladimir Putin.

Britain is to deploy troops, tanks and jets to Estonia to deter Russian aggression while UK and Romanian forces will also join a US battalion in Poland.

As part of the biggest military build-up in Eastern Europe since the Cold War, RAF planes are also being dispatched to patrol Romanian airspace for the first time.

The moves are designed to stop Moscow taking over or undermining its former Eastern European satellites as it has with Crimea and Ukraine.

The US is hoping for European nations to fill four battle groups of some 4,000 troops as part of Nato's response to Russia. More troops will be sent to the Baltic states and eastern Poland early next year. They will be backed by Nato's 40,000-strong rapid reaction force.

France, Denmark, Italy and other allies are expected to join the four battle groups led by the United States, Germany, Britain and Canada to go to Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, with forces ranging from armoured infantry to drones. 

It comes after Russia unveiled pictures of its largest ever nuclear missile – Satan 2 – which is capable of obliterating the UK. 

The UK is sending 800 troops to Estonia as part of a Nato reaction to Russian aggression in Eastern Europe, with both sides increasing their military capability in eastern Europe in the biggest military build-up since the Cold War

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